Training for Students

Modern technology has not been able to cater to the changing needs of the young generations. On the contrary, things like social media, peer influence and the pressure to excel are pushing more and more youngsters into challenges that medical science has no cure for. Tremendous societal pressure coupled with cut-throat competition are itself the cause of many failures, some leading to even loss of precious life. It is unfortunate that our present education system is not capable of empowering the young minds with scientific knowledge that can better their EQ- the single most important factor that determines the quality of life an individual can live.

With the sole mission to help the youth force of the nation, Coach Amrutaa Rajrrishhi has designed some unique programs that cater to the definite needs of the age groups of 15-17 and 18-22. The goal is clear: empower young minds to develop a winning mindset that help them excel professionally and thrive personally.

These modules are a combination of guidance and training, that include scientific testsĀ  and techniques like psychometric analysis and NLP (but not limited to it). Various training programs specifically designed for young students have been successfully conducted in several institutions already, where the powerful impact it created has been confirmed by the positive feedback received from the students, authorities and the parents as well.