Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is Limitless Life Hubb a company?

Answer: Limitless Life Hubb is a system designed and developed by Ms. Amrutaa Rajrrishhi, a coach and corporate trainer and international speaker, specialising in Energy Consciousness and Mind Management. This system has its base in ancient knowledge of energy and is backed by modern scientific techniques of mind management. Limitless Life Hubb is based on the principle that human brain is capable of tapping into Limitless Possibilities simply by activating its higher potential.

Q2. Is this system easy and relevant?

Answer: The Limitless Life Hubb system is extremely scientific and modern, even though its core is based on ancient knowledge of consciousness and mindful living. The blend of the two makes this system relevant, modern and easy for anyone and everyone. It is because of its simple character that this system has been able to help thousands of people alike, from young students to senior professionals and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.

Q3. How do I know if this is going to work for me?

Answer: The only way to know is to try it!
Limitless Life Hubb has been validated by thousands of people who have experienced massive positive changes in their lives after learning this system and applying it to transform themselves. With this system, the participants could break free from various kinds of problems in areas like relationship, personal challenges (anxiety, stress, lack of confidence, procrastination, etc.), career, finance, business or growth. People from various walks of life, different age groups, backgrounds and status have found long term solutions to their challenges by learning and applying the Limitless Life Hubb system.

Q4. I am facing issues in business/job which is causing financial challenges for me. I am also going through some relationship issues. Which problem can you help me with?

Answer: This impact of the Limitless Life Hubb system is not restricted to a particular area. When practiced and applied, it creates a massive positive impact on all areas of an individual’s life. This happens because the system creates changes in the individual’s energy blueprint, which impacts every area of his/her life. It leads to the individual making different choices, taking different kinds of actions and thereby experiencing different kinds of results. Therefore, under the Limitless Life Hubb, a person can simultaneously address multiple issues at the same time as they shift into a different paradigm.

Q5. Both my spouse and I want to enrol with the Limitless Life Hubb. Will we have to take group sessions or we can avail of personal coaching?

Answer: There are various kinds of programs under the Limitless Life Hubb system that include group training sessions and personal coaching sessions. You can enrol for any group training programs as per your liking. But if you are looking for customised solution for some specific challenges, personal coaching session for each of you is highly recommended.

Q6. I am a business owner and I am facing challenges with my people/clients/employees. Can this Limitless Life Hubb help me?

Answer: Certainly it can. As a business owner, your individual mindset and energy imprint has a direct impact on the people you are associated with. When you apply the tools and techniques of the Limitless Life Hubb, it removes the blocks that were causing issues between you and other people.

Q7. Can Limitless Life Hubb help business organizations in any way?

Answer: Coach Amrutaa Rajrrishhi has worked with different MNCs and SMEs across India, conducting various kinds of leadership and performance enhancement programs based on the Limitless Life Hubb system developed by her.
The success of any business organization depends on its people resource, the only differentiating competitive advantage any business house can have. The Limitless Life Hubb system has customised training programs that help business organisations to develop its greatest resource: the people power. Most popular and regular leadership and executive training programs are generic in nature, therefore rarely having a long term impact. However, the Limitless Life Hubb recognises that each person is unique and therefore its programs are designed to impact each participant at a personal level. Each corporate training program conducted under Limitless Life Hubb is customised to suit the needs of the organization and address specific challenges. The programs under this system have proven to ‘stick’ for much longer as it creates much long-lasting effect on the participants.
Apart from corporate training and coaching programs, the Limitless Life Hubb also conducts different kinds of assessments for the employees of an organization, to assess their attitude, aptitude, motive, behavioural traits, and other soft skills that enable a person to align with the mission and vision of an organization.
As such, Limitless Life Hubb can help with the complete people management aspect of any organization.