Corporate Training

The  Limitless Life Hubb has exclusively designed corporate training programs which are based on the core principle that each participant is as unique as their thumb print.

Each of the programs under the Limitless Life Hubb  system is customized to meet the specific needs of the organization or team it is conducted for.

Here are some of our most popular programs which have received much success across various levels in different companies.


Mind Management by Improving Brain Power through Energy Consciousness

This is the ultimate mindset training program that creates a long lasting impact. It teaches the finest mind management techniques while helping every participant to understand their individual energy imprint and default mindset. All kinds of personal and professional challenges can be tackled with the unique system of mind management taught in this module.
This program is best described as the foundation on which every other learning ‘sticks’.

It is best suited for the senior executives and team leaders and management bodies who are decision makers and are shouldering huge responsibilities in the organization. This program shifts the paradigm to improve critical thinking and enhance creative, solution oriented decision making. 


Program that Builds the right Culture of the Organization by aligning the Employees to its Mission and Vision.

When Taj Hotel came under attack in Mumbai on 26/11/2008, the employees who had left the hotel premises as their duty hours were over came back into the hotel, even to the peril of their lives, only to ensure safety of the guests inside. Experts across the globe concluded that it was the culture of the organization that inspired the employees to even risk their own lives.

This culture can neither be built by chance, nor implemented by force. It is built by design, fueled by mission and can only be followed by passion. The meticulously crafted module of this training program shifts the focus compulsion to commitment, from duty to dedication, thereby creating a deep level of understanding of the culture of the organization and willful participation in upholding it.

The Winning Culture is a one of its kind program, designed by Coach Amrutaa, that is aimed towards aligning the employees of an organization to the mission and vision of the organization.


The one program that you need to develop that Ultimate Executive Presence.

It’s one thing to be present somewhere, it’s a completely different thing to make an impactful presence.

While Executive Presence is a much talked about thing in the corporate world, with its importance becoming significant day by day to become successful, not many people are able to grasp it and practice it.

Limitless Life Hubb  has a specific program that doesn’t just teach the fine things like body language and confidence, but also covers the greatest business tool ever invented: rapport building.

All this and more, based on scientific mind management techniques that helps one master the art of making a powerful presence like a pro.


Change Management taught like never before.

If there’s one thing that’s most difficult to implement in any organization, it is CHANGE.
Whether it is a change in leadership, in the SOP, or a change in the goals or mission, it can be the most daunting task to involve the employees of that organization to accept that change and/or participate in its implementation.

Human minds are not equipped to handle change readily. Therefore, implementing that change cannot possible without recognizing the significance of the uniqueness of human minds.

The program designed on change management as per the Limitless Life Hubb system takes into account many more finer details that are often ignored in regular programs. This empowering program makes change implementation easy not just for one time, but for all future changes.


The inner work you need to master the art of communication with the external world. 

If there is one skill that everyone needs to master today for personal and professional success, it the communication skill. Communication skill is one of the prime pillars of leadership and is way beyond just being articulate

This program is an all encompassing master class that doesn’t just help master the much needed skill, but also combat a list of challenges like under-confidence, anxiety, stage fright, etc. that hinder a person’s ability to communicate properly.

This program is best suitable for professionals who are in customer facing roles and are required to handle different kinds of people daily.

To know more about our existing modules or get a customized program designed as per the needs of your organization, write to us at