“Why do people CHANGE?” – Answering the FAQ

Why are people averse to CHANGE in others? Change is inevitable. Change is the only constant. Mornings change to nights Nights change to day. Seasons change. Moods change. Appearances change We change our clothes We change our room décor. Change is happening around us constantly and continuously. Yet if there is one thing that humans …

10 Easy Ways to Beat Stress At Work

Stress has become an integral part of modern life. As per the Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey 2019, close to 82% people are suffering from stress. Several studies have revealed that more people experience stress at work than in personal life. In many cases this stress builds up to cause anxiety or even panic attacks. There …

10 Easy Things To Do To Live Stress Free

Living Stress Free is Possible. Being happy is a choice. Don’t leave happiness to chance. Contrary to what people want you to believe, happiness is a choice and it is not to be governed by external factors. Only those who have no control over their minds will believe otherwise and want you to do the …