What to choose: MARRIAGE or CAREER?

Ahh, that eternal dilemma, “What should I prioritize, Work or Relationships, Marriage or Career?” If this question has not crossed your mind even once in your life, then you are probably living in some parallel universe or you are a super human. For the longest period of time, this question or dilemma was gender specific. …

“Why do people CHANGE?” – Answering the FAQ

Why are people averse to CHANGE in others? Change is inevitable. Change is the only constant. Mornings change to nights Nights change to day. Seasons change. Moods change. Appearances change We change our clothes We change our room décor. Change is happening around us constantly and continuously. Yet if there is one thing that humans …

Are You In A Toxic Relationship?

The fundamental need of any human being is to be happy. Whatever be the age, gender, occupation or faith, one simply wants to be happy and content in life. Multiple factors like career, finance, social life, etc. contribute towards our happiness, emotional wellness and therefore, our mental health. Probably, the most significant of them, that …