Living Stress Free is Possible.

  1. Being happy is a choice. Don’t leave happiness to chance.


Contrary to what people want you to believe, happiness is a choice and it is not to be governed by external factors. Only those who have no control over their minds will believe otherwise and want you to do the same. But the truth is, no rule book on this planet urges you to worry and be anxious about things to makes them right. In other words, don’t blame external factors for choosing not to be happy. Even amidst disappointment, worries and triggers that can potentially disturb your mental peace, you can choose to be calm and content. This may look too difficult to be true, but mastering your mind makes it quite easy to follow. In fact, this is what energy consciousness is all about. It helps you to maintain your composure and protect your inner world, no matter how chaotic your surrounding is. 

You must have noticed how some people never lose the smile on their face, no matter what is happening around them. There is another kind of people who can complain about almost anything, even if things are going fine. This difference is quite some proof that being happy is an internal phenomena! Giving access to external factors to control that phenomena can lead to terrible consequences. Choosing to be happy, even when things may not be perfect, actually helps in raising your vibrations. It helps you focus on the good things in life.

  2. Whatever you appreciate, appreciates. 

    “Attitude of Gratitude” is the mantra here. It’s easy to remain disappointed by the things that we don’t have. This doesn’t only make a person unhappy and miserable, it also quickly takes the focus off from things that we actually already have. What’s more worrisome is that it can be counterproductive in manifesting things that we want, because the universe only understands vibes. It only matches the energy that we project continuously. Focussing on the lack lowers our frequency and this can lead to unsatisfactory results. People operating from lower frequency are bound to experience low frequency emotions like anger, frustration, jealousy, sadness or even hatred. But when you are grateful for what you have, you get more reasons to be grateful for. The multiplication is happening constantly. Either the reason to be grateful will multiply or the sense of lack, depending upon what we choose to feel.
  3. Focus on the solutions instead of the problems.

    Continuously worrying about a problem doesn’t necessarily bring solutions. But acknowledging the problem and turning the focus on solutions can help in finding a way out of it. The brain’s obsession with problems in understandable. It has a job, to keep us happy and safe. Therefore it automatically tends to focus on things that it wants us to be safe from. However, being on auto pilot means not being able to control the mind. This can be a sure shot way of succumbing to stress. To avoid it, conscious efforts must be taken to look for solutions instead of worrying about the problems. 

  4. Not everyone around you is a friend. Some people are just acquaintances.

    In this era of social media, it’s easy to call anyone and everyone a friend. With the click of a button, ‘friends’ are added on to Facebook friend list and just as easily, they make way into one’s personal life. However, not everyone who likes our pictures on social media is worthy of knowing the details about our life. Discussing life’s problems with acquaintances may add fuel to stress and feed unnecessary gossip. Choose your friends wisely and keep personal problems, personal.

  5. Self care is not selfish.

    Help yourself before trying to help others. Chuck that belief that if you look out for yourself, it makes you a heartless and selfish person. Some people may frown upon you when you prioritise yourself and not them. They may find it difficult to stomach that you do not shrink to make place for them. But that should not deter you from protecting your interests too. Follow what they say in an airplane: wear your oxygen mask first, before trying to help another passenger.
  6. Changing habits is possible at any age, anytime.


We are all products of our habits. However, sometimes the hardwired habits are the biggest reasons for extreme stress and anxiety. What’s worse, people often allow these unhelpful habits to become their identity. Thinking that change is not possible because of factors like age, environment or some situations is nothing short of self sabotage. Change is the only constant and it is possible anytime. All it takes is a firm decision to change for the better. Believing that change is possible is the doorway through which one can escape from the trap of stress and anxiety.

  7. Progress is better than perfection. 

    In a world where competition rules hard and everyone is trying to be better than the other person, chasing perfectionism can come naturally. Who wouldn’t want to make that perfect presentation, write that book perfectly, or simply look perfect to just show up? Fear of judgement can be a terrible thing to deal with. It instigates us to try to be perfect and invites a zillion factors to stress about just to achieve that. Perfectionism can also trigger procrastination and lead to further disappointment and stress. People chasing perfectionism often end up suffering from low self esteem, mood swings and feel demotivated.
All this can be countered by focusing on progress instead of perfection. Small progress everyday can drive major changes in due course. Focusing on progress leads to consistency and discipline, two things that never fail to deliver better results.

  8. Unhelpful things don’t deserve attention. 

    We all have the same amount of hours in a day – 24 hours. Yet time is the most precious of all the things we have got. That’s because, time once spent cannot be brought back. It is therefore critical to make use of time with care and caution. There could a million things around us screaming for attention. Some may be mere distractions, some may seem like an obligation. Eventually, wasting time on any of these is futile. There’s no obligation to give time and attention to things and people who cause stress. Anything that drains away energy should be ignored for good.

  9. People change, when they want to. 

    Change is the only constant and people change too. When people change in a way that suits us, we like it, But sometimes people change in a way that makes us uncomfortable and that, we detest. When someone’s behaviour or attitude is not as per our liking, we may even want that person to change for good. However, under no circumstance can we induce any change at our will. Hoping or forcing someone to change is futile. Acknowledging them as they are is easier. There’s no point stressing over a person changing or not changing, because we cannot control another person like a puppet. Knowing that people change and accepting the fact that the change may or may not be in our favour can definitely reduce stress in many way. Acceptance is a virtue, but often underrated.

  10. Tomorrow can be different.


Much of the stress that a person goes through is a result of the past experiences that have become memories. Those memories, if painful or unpleasant, are capable of making us live in fear that things would not go our way. Assuming that the problem of today is going to persist on forever only builds more stress. Interrupting that pattern of thought with new suggestions is essential to break free from unnecessary stress. Believing that tomorrow is not a replica of today brings in new hope and renewed zeal to look forward to something better. Since we function on auto-pilot, only a conscious effort to believe in a better tomorrow can actually give us a better tomorrow.

We all experience stress in our lives at some point or the other. But if stress is allowed to become the norm, it can take a toll on our physical health and mental and emotional wellbeing. Life is meant to be lived in a way that is fulfilling and rewarding. More than the material luxuries, our wellbeing is dependant on how we feel.

We can never control our external factors. But we can definitely practice some simple things that can keep stress at bay. At least, these easy steps can prevent us from manufacturing stress in our heads. Following them is easy, specially when you know that these can make life easier.

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